When six devastating bombs rock continents across the globe, claiming the lives of millions, humanity believes it to be a sign of the end times. But they are mistaken. In the aftermath of this catastrophic event, Lydia Murphy, a courageous 17-year-old girl from the village of Alton Stine, located on the continent of Danglen, is thrust into a treacherous journey after losing everything she holds dear.
Alone in this new world, Lydia discovers that survival demands more than mere existence. It requires the unwavering strength of her faith and the courage to stand against the forces of darkness. As she battles the malevolent powers that seek to control and enslave humanity, Lydia learns the true meaning of a life worth living—one that is grounded in the principles of free will and the unwavering pursuit of righteousness.
Mark of the Beast explores themes of spiritual warfare, the importance of individual choice, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness.
- YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Book Details
Series : Triple Six
Publisher : Fiction for the Soul Books
Date : 1 April 2022
Language : English
Paperback : 220 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8201846039
Reading age : 13 and up
Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches
About the Author
With a passion for the macabre, Stephen Simpson weaves tales of terror that explore the darkest depths of the human soul. From the eerie and suspenseful to the downright terrifying, Stephen Simpson has crafted a unique style of horror that has earned a devoted following amongst fans of the genre.
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